Survey on public security in Trois-Rivières: Vox Opinion making headlines

The results of a Vox Opinion survey commissioned by Francis Gobeil, director of public security for Trois-Rivières (SPTR), were released on Thursday. The survey reveals the good news that 95% of respondents say they are satisfied with the services provided by the Trois-Rivières police force.

This news has made headlines in all of the region’s media outlets: Radio-Canada, Le Nouvelliste, L’Hebdo Journal, L’Écho de Trois-Rivières and Trois-Rivières 911.

The survey was conducted among 953 respondents from all areas of Trois-Rivières. This was the second survey done for the SPTR, the first being in 2009. The data collected in this latest survey will be used in the development of the 2013-2015 management plan by the Trois-Rivières public security department.

Sondage COVID-19

COVID-19 – Sondage Cible recherche / Coefficient RH Nous savons que de nombreuses personnes et entreprises subissent de graves répercussions en raison du confinement, des

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