Transport Québec origin-destination survey: a major project

The origin-destination survey is a Transport Québec initiative and the second such study conducted by the Ministère in the Trois-Rivières region since 2000. The Trois-Rivières consortium Genivar/Vox Opinion has been mandated to carry out the survey and, in particular, make phone calls to targeted households.

This large-scale regional study aims to gather accurate, up-to-date information on the transportation habits and choices of residents in the region targeted by the study. Some 10,000 interviews must be conducted with households in the greater Trois-Rivières area and the nearest municipalities on the north and south shores. The data gathered will be a valuable source of information in the years to come for transportation planners seeking to develop and improve existing and future road and public transit networks in the region.

Sondage COVID-19

COVID-19 – Sondage Cible recherche / Coefficient RH Nous savons que de nombreuses personnes et entreprises subissent de graves répercussions en raison du confinement, des

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