Survey on public security in Trois-Rivières: Vox Opinion making headlines

The results of a Vox Opinion survey commissioned by Francis Gobeil, director of public security for Trois-Rivières (SPTR), were released on Thursday. The survey reveals the good news that 95% of respondents say they are satisfied with the services provided by the Trois-Rivières police force. This news has made headlines in all of the region’s […]

Federal election poll: Vox Opinion in the news

Vox Opinion is conducting a number of polls during the 2011 federal election campaign. The polls will be used as reference material by both French and English media outlets, including the Globe and Mail, Cyberpresse, TVA and various political blogs.

Survey on the recycling of waste materials

The Régie de gestion des matières résiduelles de la Mauricie (RGMRM), in collaboration with Vox Opinion, is conducting a telephone survey to evaluate the extent to which residents of the Mauricie region are aware of and appreciate certain services available to citizens. The survey aims to identify the key customer satisfaction determinants and establish the […]

Transport Québec origin-destination survey: a major project

The origin-destination survey is a Transport Québec initiative and the second such study conducted by the Ministère in the Trois-Rivières region since 2000. The Trois-Rivières consortium Genivar/Vox Opinion has been mandated to carry out the survey and, in particular, make phone calls to targeted households. This large-scale regional study aims to gather accurate, up-to-date information […]